
About Me

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I am a retired Kentucky teacher turned self-taught artist. Originally, I built and sold primitive farmhouse furniture like shelves, tables and plate racks. Soon I found myself creating accent pieces like chickens, crows, and weathervanes. My love of making functional furnishings had evolved into a passion for making “art.” While I had no formal training in art, friends insisted I was not just making stuff with junk, I was creating mixed media sculpture. I consider myself a contemporary folk artist. Carved wood, corrugated metal and coated electrical wire become a raven landing on a fence post—Raven’s Roost. Discarded metal roofing, a rusted steel rod, and hand carved cow (including udders) turned into Elsie’s Udder Side a whimsical weather vane. Night Bandit is a raccoon carved from pine with a refrigerator coil brush for a tail. Finishing my pieces with a “time worn” painting technique is a unifying characteristic of all of my work. Coming up with a catchy name for each piece is always a fun way to finish.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Each month the gallery to which I am a juried artist, recognizes one of it's artists as the "Artist of the Month". I was selected as the February artist to represent Gallery 104. I am very pleased to have received this recognition and am rewarded with additional display space. It's a validation that your time & effort is recognized and appreciated. Thanks Gallery 104 for this encouragement.

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