
About Me

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I am a retired Kentucky teacher turned self-taught artist. Originally, I built and sold primitive farmhouse furniture like shelves, tables and plate racks. Soon I found myself creating accent pieces like chickens, crows, and weathervanes. My love of making functional furnishings had evolved into a passion for making “art.” While I had no formal training in art, friends insisted I was not just making stuff with junk, I was creating mixed media sculpture. I consider myself a contemporary folk artist. Carved wood, corrugated metal and coated electrical wire become a raven landing on a fence post—Raven’s Roost. Discarded metal roofing, a rusted steel rod, and hand carved cow (including udders) turned into Elsie’s Udder Side a whimsical weather vane. Night Bandit is a raccoon carved from pine with a refrigerator coil brush for a tail. Finishing my pieces with a “time worn” painting technique is a unifying characteristic of all of my work. Coming up with a catchy name for each piece is always a fun way to finish.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I, Too, Could Have Used Some Elves 

I now know why Santa needs his elves. There comes a time when a fellow just can’t do anymore on his own. Well, I probably could have done more, but time management isn’t one of my greatest strengths. Trainer, the train from the Isle of the Misfit Toys … check. Identity Crisis, my reindeer wearing the green… I mean the blueI meant the red nose, well not so much. And my sister-in-law's orange tabby cat … does it count if I got started before Christmas? If you haven’t already discovered, my 2012 has begun by trying to bring to a close 2011.

As this new year gets under way, I can only hope that it will bring as much excitement as did 2011. As I continue to grow as an artist, I have come to understand the importance of better learning my craft. This pursuit entails experimenting with new techniques, reading & researching, networking with other artists, and the endless task of discovering new ways to introduce my work to potential buyers.

I’m not a big believer in New Year’s resolutions, so I won’t bore you with a list of things I’m hoping to accomplish or avoid in 2012. I do, however, recognize the importance of being a better planner, finding ways to be more efficient with my time, and the need for setting achievable goals for myself as an artist. My desire is to take my current energy & passion and channel it in a productive way. Who knows, maybe if I remain focused this year, I really could look at acquiring an elf. Heaven knows I really could use that extra set of hands around the studio!

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